Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to articulate the ideas that is shared by over 40,000 members worldwide.

“ The Creation of New Value,” this is the reason we exist. Our 6 Values are the essence of our innermost beliefs. Our Vision articulates where we are heading in the future. Our Brand Proposition “ Giving Shape to Ideas” is our pledge to our customers.

Konica Minolta is committed to our philosophy to benefit both our customers and society at large.


Our history

The 140-year old Start-Up

Transformation is everything we do – come take a closer look at our history.

Company Overview

Head office locationJP TOWER, 2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-7015, Japan
ManagementPresident and CEO: Shoei Yamana
EstablishmentDecember 1936
Capital37,519 million yen
Fiscal Year EndMarch 31
Number of employeesNon-consolidated: 5,207 (As of March 2019)
Consolidated: 44,360 (As of March 2019)
Business linesBusiness Technologies Business

Development, manufacture, and sales of MFPs and IT services; the provision of related consumables, solutions, and services

Development, manufacture, and sales of digital printing systems, various printing services, and industrial inkjet printers; the provision of related consumables, solutions, and services

Healthcare Business
Development, manufacture, sales, and provision of services for diagnostic imaging systems (digital X‐ray diagnostic imaging systems, diagnostic ultrasound systems, etc.)

Industrial Business

Development, manufacture, and sales of measuring instruments, lenses for industrial and professional use, etc.

Development, manufacture, and sales of TAC films used in liquid crystal displays, organic light‐emitting diode (OLED) lighting, functional films, etc.

Corporate GovernanceUse of “company with committees” system in accordance with the Japanese Commercial Code
Global sitesThe Group companies have sites in 49 countries. (As of March 2019)

At a Glance

44360 People

Employees in global

150 Countries

In sales and service

1059.1 B ¥

Total sales

Message From The President

Shoei Yamana

Contributing to the well-being of society by creating New Value

Shoei Yamana
President and CEO of Konica Minolta, Inc